Back to School Season

I find that when New Year’s comes around I feel refreshed and rejuvenated, but that only lasts for a couple weeks. Rarely do I ever stick to my resolutions, frankly because I forget what they are… However, I found when “Back to School” season comes around that feels like a new year to me. I may be a nerd, but I love school. And especially school supplies. I
love the structure, the routine, and I am always one willing to learn.

But it’s more than that to make “Back to School” feel like a new year. It’s like starting over. It’s a new school year, new notebooks, new pencils, new clothes, and for some people, new schools. I find that in August, before school starts in September (Canadian start dates) I do a serious de-cluttering of my life. For example, last night I completely went through my room, moved my furniture around and put all the stuff I don’t want in a pile to donate. Today or tomorrow I will conquer my closet.

I don’t know, there’s something in the air around this time of year. Hope. Hope for a new start, Hope to succeed, Hope to achieve your goals, Hope that the summer made you wiser, and that you could figure out more easily what your purpose is in life. It also brings happiness, the exciting feeling knowing you’ll be seeing your friends everyday, or the anticipation of wondering if you’ll make new ones. Fear of the subjects and teachers — ““Will I pass? Will I fail?”.

I’m starting my third year (junior for the Americans) of University. That means after this year, I will be in my final year of Nursing and | | this close to graduating and beginning my life and career as a Registered Nurse. That’s crazy to me, I remember in 8th grade sitting in my desk all awkwardness and self-conciousness, and my health teacher was saying “be careful, from now until you’re an adult — it’ll feel like a blink”. And that was exactly what it felt like.

With Love,